Adam's journey to becoming cancer free has certainly been a roller coaster ride. Even more so the past week and a half. And what is so bad about all of it, is that he actually says he feels fine. Not sure if his mother and I believe that all the time. We think sometimes he tells us that so we don't worry more than what we already do. The roller coaster the past few days has been his blood counts.
He had to go and get blood last week as his hemoglobin was down. After getting the blood he began to really feel good. He had more energy, had better color and just felt good over all. Then on Tuesday this week his blood counts came back and his platelets were low. It is called Thrombocytopenia, which is the big word for a decrease in the number of platelets (PLT), which may lead to low blood platlet count. So he may need to have platelets. Other than that he seems to be doing really well this week. All his other counts were good and he has even started in home bound studies to allow him to stay on track with school.
Next week it is back onto the roller coaster and more tests. We are looking forward to the results of the tests he has next Monday as this will tell us how the chemo is working. Then three days of chemotherapy.
It does seem like a roller coaster, but just like the roller coasters in the amusement parks, sooner or later you have to get off, and just down the road, he will be cancer free and this ride will be over and he can get on with his life.