Sunday, July 19, 2009

Eight Months ~ November 08 to July 09

Eight months, it seems so much longer since Adam was first diagnosed with Stage 4a Hodgkins Disease. Especially those first few weeks, they seemed like months in themselves. But immediately upon hearing those words CANCER from the doctor, both Adam's mother and I began calling everyone we knew asking for their prayers. And boy did Adam get the prayers!! From people all over the United States and even in a couple countries through our Missionary friends. And those prayers have been answered.

Tomorrow, July 20, 2009, Adam will undergo surgery to remove the port catheter that was placed for his chemotherapy. Last Monday, July 13, he underwent PET Scan, CT Scan and blood work and the doctors said that the results were great, and that he is disease free!!! The tumors even though they are still present they are not active, and they have shrunk considerably. He has some spots that they feel are from the infection he had, but are of little or no concern. he said that there was some low level activity, again under the circumstances there was little cause for concern.

Of course Hodgkins is not a curable disease, but it is treatable, and there is a 55% to 60% chance that it could become active again, however the doctors have told us that if it reoccurs it will be sooner rather than later, this is why they will watch him closely over the next 18 months. But we are faithful that this will not be a concern either.

Again, it has been a harrowing journey, but Adam has shown us all what the power of prayer can do, and he has also shown his entire family and friends, the strength that he holds within him. Only once did I see Adam even cry through all of this. That was on November 24, 2008 when he was first told that he had cancer. Since that time he has remained strong and determined, and not once did I see him cry. Yes he got down and sometimes depressed, but if you saw him today you'd never know he had just went through what he has.

And to all of you, from our family, our group of close knit friends, and those of you that have only heard of Adam's journey through others and possibly this blog, we say THANK YOU! We will be forever grateful to you for your prayers, concern and support. We ask that you continue to pray for continued health for Adam, and we will update the site on occasion.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Life.....almost back to normal

Adam is doing very well. He is like any other 16 year old boy except for the fact that he's battled cancer this year. He still has to take several medications a day but the doctors have reduced them down so much, he really doesn't know what to think. He will have to take an antibiotic for three to four months to keep watch over any pneumonia that may try to flare up. He is active with his friends. He is currently working on his Ranger and has been working on the body of the truck trying to get it ready to paint. We are hoping that it will be roadworthy by the time he gets his license. Again, thanks to all who have kept him in their prayers.